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Jhula / Jhoola / Swing / Oonjal. traditional indian swing, chetinad swing


Order Indian traditional Swing / Jhula / Oonjal, Fully customisable teakwood swing to enhance your indoor / Outdoor / Pergola. 3 seater, 2 seater indian traditional Swing. We ship Australia Wide. Jhula / Jhoola / Swing traditional indian swing, chetinad swing, double side swing and few more option to choose.

The traditional swing, also known as a "jhula" in India, holds great cultural and social significance. It is a suspended seat, often crafted from wood or metal, and has been an integral part of Indian homes and outdoor spaces for generations. Traditional swings are often intricately designed and can be adorned with cushions and fabrics for comfort and aesthetics.

In Indian culture, swings are commonly associated with leisure, relaxation, and social gatherings. They are often used during festivals, weddings, and other celebrations, providing a place for people to sit, relax, and socialize.

The gentle swaying motion of the swing is believed to have a calming effect and is particularly popular among children and the elderly. In some regions, it's also a common sight to see swings placed under large trees, providing a peaceful spot for contemplation and relaxation.

Swings are also popular in traditional Indian courtyard homes, where they add to the charm and beauty of the outdoor space. Many modern homes and hotels in India also incorporate traditional swings as a way to connect with heritage and provide a unique, inviting space for guests.

The traditional swing holds a special place in the hearts of many Indians, as it symbolizes comfort, community, and the simple joys of life "Jhula" refers to a swing or a suspended seat often used for relaxation or religious purposes. Here are a few common types of jhulas:

  • Traditional Wooden Jhula: These are typically crafted from wood and often intricately carved. They are popular in homes and traditional settings, providing a comfortable and visually appealing seating option.
  • Rope Jhula: Often seen in outdoor settings, these jhulas are made of strong ropes or chains suspended from a sturdy frame or tree. They provide a more natural and rustic seating experience.
  • Indoor Decorative Jhula: These are smaller, decorative jhulas designed for indoor use. They are often used as decorative elements in homes, especially during festive occasions.
  • Garden or Patio Jhula: Larger and sturdier, these jhulas are designed for outdoor spaces such as gardens, patios, or verandas. They provide a comfortable and relaxing seating option for outdoor leisure.
  • Temple or Religious Jhula: In religious settings, especially in Hindu temples, jhulas are used for swinging deities during special ceremonies and rituals. These jhulas are often ornately decorated and hold religious significance